Objective of the SPARASH Foundation for education and research-
To create an enabling environment and equal opportunities for all women, men and Children to attain their rights and development.
To ensure accessibility and equal participation of citizen at all level or to secure increased access to social equity, economic, justice, and good-governance for all.
To promote indigenous art and culture with special focus on rural population.
Effectively carrying out, guiding and supporting research and development activities and trainings in various fields through education, training and capacity building etc.
To educate and make aware public in general about issues related to women and child rights and empowerment, health, education, environmental education, skill development and sustainable livelihood generation etc. through direct implementation and intervention at policy level.
To promote indigenous art and culture with special focus on rural community.
To build a place to bring about synergies between government and community.
To provide counseling and to work towards reconciliation with family when needed and to enable people/family to access benefits / services provided by the government including social welfare and protection schemes and various upkeep benefits.
To provide support to extraordinary talented people in every field and to publish books, charts, illustration, journals, magazines, periodicals and other publications on different subjects, in a variety of languages for the promotion of SPARASH foundation.
To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on the social, cultural and educational conditions of society.
To collaborate with other NGO’s and GOs working towards betterment of society.
To do and promote all such things, acts and functions that directly or indirectly help to meets the vision and mission of SPARASH Foundation.
Strategy/ Approach –
Evidence based research and Action
Advocacy and policy intervention
Education and knowledge transfer
Strengthen the system
Promote public private partnership programme
Inter-sectoral linkages and public engagement strategy
Direct implementation of programme